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Some Information about Kabir Singh Movie  Kabir Singh is the Bollywood remake of the 2017 Tollywood blockbuster Arjun Reddy starring Vijay S...

Some Information about Kabir Singh Movie 

Kabir Singh is the Bollywood remake of the 2017 Tollywood blockbuster Arjun Reddy starring Vijay Sai Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey in the roles played in this Hindi version by Shahid
As I watched Kabir Singh, I could already hear in my head the tired clichés that are rolled out as rebuttals to criticism of such films and are likely
"If negative characters could influence people to become bad then how come positive characters do not immediately reform society?
Or, as Kapoor himself pre-emptively said earlier this week in a newspaper interview: "If we start judging characters, we can't make movies that are real."
This is exhausting, but for the zillionth time: it is not the depiction of reality that is objectionable here, it is precise because violent, destructive misogynists do exist and
women for centuries have suffered at their hands that it is deeply troubling when a film portrays such a person as cool, funny, and, as Kapoor puts it, a manwith "a good heart" who "loves purely" and "wears his emotions on his sleeve".Call the Kabir Singhs of the world what they are and show them up for what they are: obnoxious, ugly sociopaths.
Kapoor plays Kabir Rajdhir Singh, an ill-tempered, aggressive albeit academically brilliant medical college student who one day sees a pretty girl on campus and decides she is his.
Her name is Preeti Sikka (Kiara Advani) but he does not know that then.
They have yet to even have a conversation, but like a dog urinating to mark his territory, Kabir goes to an all-men junior class, announces to the students that
they can have their pick of the other women in the college but this one is his woman and demands that they spread the word on his behalf.
when he is forcefully separated from Preeti) is depicted in a comical tone and projected as intensity, passion and profound emotion.
Every one of the despicable Kabir's actions is portrayed as the handiwork of a loveable, mad genius.
Besides, the heroine who seems initially intimidated by him soon falls in love with him, he treats another woman like meat and she too promptly tells him she loves
ya, if so many people are smitten by him he must be having "a good heart", no?
Judge for yourself the heart so good that Kabir kisses Preeti for the first time while she stands statue-like, has not expressed any interest in him till then, he physically
imposes himself on her subsequently too, he orders her around like one might a pet animal that one is fond of after they have sex for the first time he
she was a nobody in college whose identity rested entirely on her being known as his girl, and worse.

Kabir Singh (2019) in Hindi 480p

Kabir Singh (2019) in Hindi 720p


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